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Interlibrary Loan

By interlibrary loan you can order books and articles that the Potsdam University Library does not have - from other libraries in Germany and abroad. In cooperation with the Common Library Network (GBV)the University Library offers an online Interlibrary Loan Service for its users. Alternatively, you can use fee-based Delivery Services.

Before you start an interlibrary loan, we recommend to check the KOBV Portal (catalogue of libraries in the Berlin-Brandenburg area) first. It is very likely that the book you are looking for is available at a library around the corner.

Article copies by email

Starting in August 2024, book chapters or journal articles ordered via the University Library's interlibrary loan service will no longer be provided in paper form, but as a downloadable document. For library users, this means that printed copies no longer need to be collected from the departmental libraries. Instead, they will be delivered directly via download link sent by e-mail. The download is then available for 30 days.

Further information

Interlibrary loan orders can be made in the Common Union Catalogue (GVK).

New registration for interlibrary loans
If you do not already have an interlibrary loan account, please contact us by e-mail and provide us with your matriculation number or ID card number and your preferred pick-up location (departmental library Golm, Am Neuen Palais or Babelsberg-Griebnitzsee). As interlibrary loan orders are subject to charges, please also let us know how many orders you wish to make. We will transfer the order units to your interlibrary loan account.

Topping up order units
If you are already using the online interlibrary loan service and only wish to have your interlibrary loan account topped up, please also contact us by e-mail and let us know the desired number of order units and your matriculation or ID number.

Payment of order units
We will charge your library account with the amount of 1,50 Euros (2,00 Euros for external users) per order. As a student, you can pay at your next library visit. Staff members of the University of Potsdam, please use the debit transfer/Sollumbuchung. For more information, please refer to the corresponding information sheet.

Interlibrary Loan FAQ

Requirements and fees

How to start an order

Arrival of your order

Loan periods and renewal
