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Campus I - Neues Palais Library

Subject areas: Faculty of Arts

Neues Palais Library
Photo: Roese/Universität Potsdam

Building 9
+49 (0)331 977-1541 information
+49 (0)331 977-1465 circulation desk

Building 10
+49 (0)331 977-4149 information
+49 (0)331 977-4134 circulation desk

Building 11
+49 (0)331 977-4919 information
+49 (0)331 977-1401 circulationdesk

Am Neuen Palais 10
Buildings 9, 10 and 11
14469 Potsdam
Library Managers:
Juliane Pilgrim  +49 (0)331 977-4136 /-4149
Kathrin Agethen +49 (0)331 977-213840 /-4149

Ask a Librarian!


Course Reserves (Semesterapparate)

Workstations and Reading Spaces

Technical Equipment

Orderings from the Stacks and building 9

Guidepost Neues Palais

Guidepost Neues Palais

Virtual map of the Departmental Library at the Neues Palais

Virtual Tour

Neues Palais Virtual Library Tour

Get to know the Departmental Library at the Neues Palais.


Shelf Classification

The library's holdings are sorted and stored according to the Regensburg Classification (RVK)