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Recently licensed: Nexis Uni database

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Photo : pixabay
Nexis Uni contains data from over 15,000 news, corporate and legal sources. Through one interface, you can search all sources and personalize your search with alerts, saved searches and other features.

Nexis Uni

News: Articles from several thousand journals, magazines and newspapers from all over the world including archives, e.g. DER SPIEGEL, taz, Die ZEIT, Die Welt, The New York Times, El País, Le Figaro or Wired.
Agency reports: Reports from the major agencies Associated Press (AP), Thomson Reuters ONE, Agence France-Presse (AFP), Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) and many others.

Corporates: Various sources offer research options on companies in different countries, company profiles or specific details such as finance and M&A.

Industries & countries: International industry information, economic articles on individual countries, and industry news.
Persons: Biographical information on individuals in business, politics, celebrities, and other major leaders in specific fields.

Law: Legal information on cases, decisions and acts, especially for the Anglo-American area.

Tip: To read articles from a specific newspaper, click on "Menu" at the top left and then on "All sources". There you can see whether the desired newspaper is included in the database. You can search the newspaper afterwards or display all articles of a day or a certain period of time.


All articles from DER SPIEGEL, issue 1/2021  
All articles of the taz from 14 to 20 December 2020
All New York Times articles containing the words "Trump" and "Impeachment".
All articles in Die Welt, Die Zeit and Der SPIEGEL containing the words "Trump" and "Impeachment"

Access to the database is available within the campus network of the University of Potsdam or outside via VPN.


Online editorial
