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Klemperer Online database freely available until the end of July

The database "Klemperer Online" from De Gruyter Verlag will be freely available throughout Germany in June and July 2019.For the first time it offers the complete, unabridged and annotated diaries (Tagebücher 1918 - 1959) of the Romance languages scholar Victor Klemperer, which are among the most important sources of German history of the 20th century.

Compared to the print edition, the database offers more than a third more content. It also contains facsimiles of the original handwritten entries as well as numerous additional materials, such as film notations on 750 films that Klemperer saw between 1919 and 1932. Klemperer's excerpts in the run-up to the transcription of "Lingua tertii imperii" and the preliminary work on his "Geschichte der französischen Literatur" are available for research for the first time.

Klemperer Online - Tagebücher 1918–1959

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