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News from the University Library

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Information event on Scopus

Since the beginning of this year, Potsdam University Library has licensed the abstract and citation database SCOPUS. SCOPUS provides access to …

Summer Opening Hours

From Monday 19 August until 6 October 2024, shortend opening hours will apply in all departmental libraries. Opening hours

University Library interlibrary loan: article copies by email

Starting in August 2024, book chapters or journal articles ordered via the University Library's interlibrary loan service will no longer be provided …

Access to the abstract and citation database SCOPUS

Scopus provides researchers, librarians and research managers with powerful research and analysis tools to promote ideas, people and institutions. Sc …

Access to the abstract and citation database SCOPUS

Scopus provides researchers, librarians and research managers with powerful research and analysis tools to promote ideas, people and institutions. Sc …

Special summer opening hours

From Monday 14 August until 8 October 2023, shortend opening hours will apply in all departmental libraries. Opening hours
Banner for the AVA plattform: Two people standing on the beach (from the movie La Carte)

Film Streaming with AVA and Kanopy

During the coming weeks you will be able to use two high-quality streaming portals in the campus network of the University of Potsdam: the arthouse …
Coverbild: Kartenausschnitt Nordamerika, Eriesee, Ontariosee

New Release: Anchored in ink - Pierre-Philippe Potier’s Elementa Grammaticae Huronicae (1745), a Jesuit grammar of Wendat

This book serves as a gateway to the Elementa grammaticae Huronicae, an eighteenth-century grammar of the Wendat (‘Huron’) language by Jesuit …
Coverbild mit Globus und Titel: PoWer Potsdamer Bibliothek der WeltRegionen 5

New Release: Writing travel, writing life - Ars Vivendi and the travelling narrations of Ella Maillart, Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Nicolas Bouvier

Potsdamer Bibliothek der WeltRegionen 5

The book compares the texts of three Swiss authors: Ella Maillart, Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Nicolas Bouvier. The focus is on their trip from Genève …

New electronic acquisitions: subjects of the Faculty of Human Sciences

New e-book packages and databases acquired in 2022 In the past year, the collection of electronic media for the subjects of the Faculty of Human …